TEACHING STYLE: Vinyasa- a balance of strength and intensity dosed with long rewarding yin holds. I love bringing new music and having my students walk away with a sense of humbleness for their practice.

INSPIRED BY: Loving awareness- a simple yet powerful feeling when meaningful connections take form. I’m inspired by the daily grind to fulfill each day in the present, while inspiring others to do the same. 

FAVORITE POSE: Warrior II- the power and stillness of my gaze makes my inner warrior roar!  The most simple postures can create the most synergetic power. 

A RECURRING THOUGHT:  inhale/exhale. I’m continuously reminding myself to breath.

FAVORITE QUOTE: The quality of your life is reflected by the quality of your breath.” -unknown

A NON-NEGOTIABLE: Moving my body everyday! No matter if it’s yoga, strength, or a good run- I’m always game! I want to wear out not rust.