unlimited classes every month
1-month minimum
cancel anytime thereafter
auto-pay required
unlimited classes every month
1-month minimum
cancel anytime thereafter
auto-pay required
this pass is for you if you intend to practice twice a week on average
9 classes included every month
1-month minimum
cancel anytime thereafter
auto-pay required
this pass is for you if you want to fit a workout in during your workday
unlimited access to noon & 10:30am classes every month
not valid for other classes
1-month minimum
cancel anytime thereafter
auto-pay required
this pass is for you if you intend to practice once a week on average
5 classes included every month
1-month minimum
cancel anytime thereafter
auto-pay required
come practice with us!
Purchase nowYou and your immediate family members receive 20% off your monthly memberships. Each family member receives the discount so long as there are at least 2 active auto-pay memberships. Limited to immediate family members. Arrive 20 minutes before class with your ID’s to sign up!
You receive 20% off your monthly membership if you are an active member of the military. Arrive 20 minutes before class with your military ID to sign up!
You receive 20% off your monthly membership if you are a full-time student. College students must be enrolled in at least 10 units to be eligible. Arrive 20 minutes before class with proof of enrollment to sign up!
Family, Military, and Student rates cannot be combined with other offers.