Q&A with Bizzie Gold!
How would you describe Buti Yoga to someone who has never experienced it before?
Buti is a dynamic yoga practice that blends primal movement with cardio-intensive dance. It transforms your body inside and out.
What was the inspiration behind Buti Yoga?
I went through a rough birth with my first daughter and when I went back to teaching yoga, I just couldn't do the strict, squared off postures anymore. I went on a deep healing journey that revealed a new system of spiral based movements and took a chance and brought it into the classroom. My life has been changed ever since. That was 2010 and I'm still going!

What is the role of music in your classes?
Music guides all my classes like a GPS. We don't use 8 counts or reps. I use musical transitions to guide the intuitive flow of the class. My playlists are the most important part of the class as far as I'm concerned.
What Inspired your move to Sandpoint Idaho? And how do you like it here?
We fell in love with it a few years ago when we escaped the Arizona heat. We knew when the right property popped up, that was our sign to move. That happened for us this past August!

Can you tell us a little bit about your upbringing, education, and background?
I was raised on the East Coast in both NYC and Connecticut. I never felt like I fit in but many aspects of the culture around intellectual endeavours really stuck with me. I've always been a natural problem solver and have always tapped into my intuition to find new ways to solve problems. I went to acupuncture school and never finished because of the traumatic birth of my daughter and I honestly have no regrets there. Sometimes we take what we need in a short time and we circle back later for that information to later become relevant. I have always taken the approach of being led by God to create from Him rather than be taught by the world. For that reason, my work has come through original creation rather than because I've learned it in school.
How did you meet your husband and what do you love the most about him?
I met him in a Buti class. His dad was dating a woman and her daughter was a Buti instructor from Canada. She (thankfully) dragged him to one of my studio openings and I fell in love instantly. I love his commitment and willingness to always do the work ( even when he doesn't want to).

You have 4 beautiful children. What would you like to share with us about them?
My oldest is 11 and her name is Sarai. She has Cerebral Palsy and she's one of the coolest humans on the planet earth. She wants to be a supermodel. Zev is 8 and he's my little ski buddy and is my twin in every way. Then I have Harley who is 14 months old. She's clearly going to be a UFC cage fighter and my youngest River is 3 months and he's such a sweetie with crazy depth in his eyes.
How do you balance your career & family?
I've never felt that striving for balance was the goal. If you were always striving for balance, you'd most likely feel you were always missing the mark. The reality is some weeks the businesses need more and some weeks the kids need more. And some weeks they are both in SOS mode and then by default family always takes precedence.

You lead a bible study called Wild @ Heart. Tell us more about your spiritual background and bit about your faith.
I was raised Jewish and actually came to know Jesus when I was 19. I tell the whole testimony on my podcast The Modern Good. The episode is called The Scariest Episode I've Ever Done. My relationship with God is at the center of everything I do and create.
What is your dream vacation?
Sleep... anywhere that I can sleep.

Describe your perfect day…
Relaxing morning, Buti, sauna, cold dunk and laying on the beach to suntan with family.
What is the Break Method? And what was it like working with inmates in Maine?
Break Method is a comprehensive system of structured self inquiry protocols to rewire the emotional response system. I was fortunate to be able to teach Break Method in the women's prison in Vermont. It completely changed the trajectory of the women enrolled in the course. I believe we curbed recidivism by 60% and our work there quite literally changed the power dynamic in that prison permanently.