Santosha- Contentment
Every month, WE highlights a specific virtue from the yogic code of ethics, as outlined by Patanjali in the Yoga Sutra, the most widely regarded text on yoga. The seventh virtue in this 10-part blog series, and the theme for July at WE, is Santosha- Contentment.
“The yogi feels the lack of nothing and so is naturally content.” -BKS Iyengar
Santosha is the second niyama as outlined by Patanjali. The Sanskrit word santosha is divided into two parts: sam, meaning completely or entirely, and tosha, meaning acceptance, satisfaction, and contentment.
Together the two parts create a word that means complete acceptance or contentment. Not to be confused with complacency, rather santosha is acceptance of what is, without resistance. It can manifest itself in both action and contemplation. It is a heart set of peace in all situations and a mind set of intentional responsiveness.
Santosha is also the practice of quieting the craving for more and releasing the drama of control. When we let things, people, and circumstances be what they will be, we begin to move in the direction of santosha.
Likewise, when we change what is within our capacity to change- without the drama- and let go of everything else, we also begin to move in the direction of santosha.
Santosha is the way of the peaceful warrior. Can you find complete contentment within yourself today?