Spirit December: Intention Intention - “As your desire is, so is your intention. As your intention is, so…WE YogaDecember 1, 2019
Spirit November: Bhakti Bhakti - ""Where there is love there is life." - Mahatma Gandhi Love is a…WE YogaNovember 1, 2019
Spirit October: Ishvara Pranidhana Ishvara Pranidhana- surrender - Every month, WE highlights a specific virtue from the yogic code…WE YogaOctober 1, 2019
Spirit September: Svadhyaya Svadhyaya- self study - Every month, WE highlights a specific virtue from the yogic code…WE YogaAugust 31, 2019
Spirit August: Tapas Tapas- the fire of your practice - Every month, WE highlights a specific virtue from…WE YogaAugust 4, 2019
Spirit July: Santosha Santosha- Contentment - Every month, WE highlights a specific virtue from the yogic code of…WE YogaJuly 1, 2019
Spirit June: Saucha Saucha- Purity - Every month, WE highlights a specific virtue from the yogic code…WE YogaJune 8, 2019
Spirit May: Aparigraha Aparigraha- Non-Grasping - Every month, WE highlights a specific virtue from the yogic code…WE YogaMay 1, 2019
Spirit April: Brahmacharya Brahmacharya- Moderation of the Senses - Every month, WE highlights a specific virtue from…WE YogaMarch 30, 2019
Spirit March: ASTEYA Asteya- Non-stealing - Every month, WE highlights a specific virtue from the yogic code…WE YogaMarch 1, 2019